PSI Inv. 1411

Trismegistos: 69065

Also known as PSI Com6 9. Transcription from Azzarà, Silvia. “9. Testo cristiano.” Pages 72–80 in Comunicazioni dell’ Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli. Vol. 6 of. Firenze: Ist.Papirologico G.Vitelli, 2005, compared to available images.

Fragment 1


  1. [...]δεδοξασμενος σ̣[...]
  2. [...] νοερο̣ν φως .[...]
  3. [...Ιησου] Χριστε υιε της[...]
  4. [...με]γ̣αλωσυνης η α̣[...]
  5. [...]τ̣ου. .[...]
  6. [...]....[...]
  7. [...]ο̣ αλλ̣[...]
  8. [...] ε̣ν ωρι̣[σμενω...]
  9. [...]μο̣ν̣ο̣ς̣ ο προ[...]
  10. [...]α̣ιωνω̣ν την .[...]
  11. [...δο]ξ̣αν ε̣ι̣λ̣ηφως υ[...]
  12. [...]του μ̣ονου σου[...]
  13. [...].[ ]τ̣ο̣ς ε̣ .[...]
  1. [...]magnified .[...]
  2. [...] intellịg̣ent light .[...]
  3. [...Jesus] Christ Son of[...]
  4. []ẹatness the .[...]
  5. [...]|of the. .[...]
  6. [...]....[...]
  7. [...]. buṭ[...]
  8. [...] ịn diṿ[iding...]
  9. [...]oṇḷỵ the before[...]
  10. [...]ạgẹs of the .[...]
  11. []ọry ḥạḍ received .[...]
  12. [...]of the ọnly of you[...]
  13. [...].[ ]... . .[...]

Too fragmentary to translate.


  1. [...]ρο κοσμων· το νικ[ος...]
  2. [...]ων· κατα του εχθρ[ου...]
  3. [...]στον καλω την πρ[...]
  4. [...]ρον προσηγορια[ν...]
  5. [...αιω]νιον δ̣ε̣ α̣[ν]α̣παυσ̣[ιν...]
  6. [...]τα θ(εο)ν[...].[...]
  7. [...]αν του[...]
  8. [...]ανδεθυ̣[...]
  9. [...σ]ωτηρα π̣α̣[...]
  10. [...]το̣ν μη κοινω̣ν̣ησ̣α|ν[...]
  11. [...]σ̣ωματι σκοτ̣εινωι· μη̣δ̣[...]
  12. [...]ακαθ̣αρτωι σαρκι η αι[...]
  13. [...]τι θανατου τ̣ον αγιον γ.[...]
  14. [...]αγαθον τον δικαιον το[ν...]
  1. [...].. κοσμων· the vict[ory...]
  2. [...]..· against the enem[y...]
  3. [...].... good of the ..[...]
  4. [...]... friendly greet[ing...]
  5. [...a]ges Ḅụṭ ṛ[e]ṣt[...]
  6. [...].. G(o)d[...].[...]
  7. [...].. of the[...]
  8. [...]......[...]
  9. [...S]avior ..[...]
  10. [...]tḥe not shạrịn|g[...]
  11. [...]ḅody of dạṛkness· neịṭḥ[er...]
  12. [...]unc̣lean flesh or ..[...]
  13. [...].. of death ṭhe holy ..[...]
  14. [...]good the just/righteous th[e...]

Too fragmentary to translate.
